Empowering New Beginnings Towards Stable Lives

What do we do?

Nurturing Progress: Our Multifaceted Approach to Empowerment and Stability

Pathway to PROGRESS offers a range of services to support individuals on their journey towards progress and stability.

  • Holistic Support: Providing a comprehensive range of services from employment assistance to life skills training, ensuring a well-rounded support system for all participants.

  • Safe Housing: Offering transitional, re-entry, and sober living housing solutions to individuals post-incarceration or those facing homelessness.

  • Community Engagement: Actively participating in community events to foster a sense of belonging and motivation among our participants.

  • Employment and Skill Development: Partnering with local organizations to provide employment referrals and essential skill development workshops.

  • Permanent Housing Assistance: Facilitating smoother transitions to permanent housing post-program, ensuring continued stability and growth.

Furnished and Comfortable

Cozy House

Studio Apartment

About Us

Alaskan Roots, Community Growth: Our Journey Towards Creating Pathways of Progress

As lifelong Alaskans, we, at Pathway to Progress, embody a spirit of communal care and resilience. Our transitional, re-entry, and sober living housing program is a testament to our unwavering commitment to helping individuals navigate through life's challenges, no matter their past. Our core mission is to extend a helping hand, offering a safe haven for individuals emerging from homelessness or incarceration, aiding them in rebuilding their lives and venturing towards financial independence.

Our ethos is rooted in the belief that every individual deserves a second chance. Through our program, we provide a nurturing environment that promotes sobriety, personal growth, and stability, assisting each participant in their unique journey towards a brighter, self-sufficient future. The essence of community and the potential for transformation and growth in every individual is what drives us. Together, we envision a future where every individual is empowered to overcome challenges and contribute positively to the community, creating a ripple effect of lasting change and hope.

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Lisa Evans


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elementummi vitae risus luctus rhoncus. Morbi porttitor diam tincidunt leo vestibulum, tempus suscipit orci hendrerit.

Nicholas Lane


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce elementummi vitae risus luctus rhoncus. Morbi porttitor diam tincidunt leo vestibulum, tempus suscipit orci hendrerit.

Ethan Dean

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